Our history


Pier Giovanni Capellino established the company to turn his dream into a reality: to create the world's first wet pet food made with 100% HFC ingredients, that is, ingredients originally fit for human consumption. This was a new standard of quality that many would later follow.


The company expands internationally to become a small multinational corporation. In the same year, a campaign is launched to celebrate the transition from the slogan "from their point of view" to "aLmore", signalling the genesis of the role the brand would go on to assume in the protection of dogs, cats and nature.


In 2013, the HFC standard, that is, the use of ingredients originally fit for human consumption, is extended to kibble.


Cat Litter, a cat litter made from 100% single-plant fibre and which is 100% compostable and 100% additive-free, is introduced onto the market.


Fondazione Capellino is established with the specific goal of safeguarding biodiversity and fighting climate change. Pier Giovanni and his brother Lorenzo decide to immediately make all of Almo Nature's dividends available for use by the Fondazione.


Following a successful application to the Agenzia delle Entrate in Italy to give the Foundation the status of 'non-profit commercial entity', Lorenzo and Pier Giovanni donate Almo Nature by irreversible public deed to Fondazione Capellino, permanently waiving 100% of both patrimonial and voting rights.


A new economic model is now fully underway, whereby 100% of a company's revenue after taxes and costs are allocated to the protection of all living species and their common home, Earth, rather than to the creation of further financial wealth. This is Reintegration Economy. At its core is an ambitious project stemming from a reflection by its founder Pier Giovanni Capellino and his brother Lorenzo: «reintegrating nature instead of extracting from nature to increase individual wealth».

Almo Nature today

Headquartered in Genoa, Almo Nature is now a "pocket-sized multinational company", a benchmark and a centre of innovation in the sector.

50 countries

Almo Nature markets its products worldwide.

9 local offices

Besides Italy, Almo Nature has opened local offices in Germany, Switzerland, Britain, France, Spain, the Netherlands, USA and Canada.

€ 35.798.094,00

Funds earmarked by Almo Nature for Fondazione Capellino through 2023.