Companion For Life

From ownership to responsibility
Almo Nature, alongside its participation in the Reintegration Economy, also promotes a holistic view of the relationship between humans and dogs and cats. As part of its status as a benefit society (under Italian law), the company’s ‘Companion for Life’ project aims to shift from the concept of ownership to one of responsibility, focusing on respecting the unique needs of our animal companions, rather than supporting the widespread and unhealthy tendency to treat animals like humans.
Almo Nature's Companion for Life project operates on four levels.

We'll share more details about this initiative soon—keep checking back for updates...

For us, animal companions are first and foremost lives, not customers. We need more effective regulations to ensure their real protection, both within the EU and beyond. In partnership with those who share our values, we are committed to advocating for amendments to improve the proposed European Regulation on the welfare and traceability of dogs and cats. Our goal is to establish laws that enforce clear obligations for dogs and cats from birth, tackling any actions that compromise their well-being and natural characteristics.

As part of Companion for Life, we are active with the Love Food Bank, the virtual solidarity warehouse with which we continue to donate quality meals to dogs and cats in emergency situations and to families in situations of economic difficulty.
Since 2018, we have donated more than 5,114,425 meals worldwide.
Following our 2022 initiative, we organised a food aid delivery to Ukraine in November 2024, coordinated on-site by the Kj2 Italy Shelter.
This effort supported 200 dogs and 60 cats housed at the shelter and provided aid to associations and families in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions.
In September and October 2024, a series of extreme weather events hit Emilia-Romagna, in Italy causing widespread damage and leaving many animals homeless. Volunteers did their utmost to rescue and shelter the dogs and cats of displaced families. Almo Nature responded to this emergency with a donation of food which, thanks to the collaboration with ENPA, was distributed in the hardest hit areas to guarantee a safe and balanced meal to animals in difficulty.
For International Dog Day 2024, we joined forces with LNDC Animal Protection and distributed 10,000 meals to dogs cared for by LNDC volunteers operating in some areas of Sicily.
Over the course of the summer, in fact, LNDC volunteers saved and welcomed more than 3,000 abandoned animals, who need to be fed, cared for and compensated for the pain they suffered with all the love possible.

We celebrated International Cat Day 2024 by distributing 10,000 meals to cats in emergency situations and to families who are facing tough economic challenges to allow them to continue to care for their 4-legged friends as best they can.
Recognizing the importance and impact of the "Ri-Animali" project of "ASLAN. The Bond with Animals", which brings man's best friends into hospital wards and pet therapy activities, we supported this extraordinary initiative by donating to the Association 800 kilos of kibble intended for dogs committed every day to improving people's lives.

In May 2024, a devastating flood hit the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, causing serious human losses and also severely affecting many animals. Almo Nature supported dogs and cats in difficulty, sending 5 tons of food for them. This aid was managed by the GRAD Association, which worked tirelessly to save and assist the animals involved in the tragedy.
Following the flood that hit Emilia-Romagna in 2023, Almo Nature responded to the crisis by donating 200,000 meals to support animals affected by the disaster. Through a network of 28 local outlets and the assistance of OIPA and ENPA volunteers, we facilitated food distribution, ensuring that animals had access to vital resources during the reconstruction period.
In 2022, in response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, Almo Nature sent three shipments of food, totaling over 167,600 meals, to support animals left homeless or separated from their owners due to conflict. Our President, Pier Giovanni Capellino, personally led one of the expeditions, distributing aid directly to associations and people who continue to take care of their animals despite the war.

Promuovi le adozioni e chiedi a ogni adottante di caricare il certificato di avvenuta adozione sul nostro sito, menzionandoti.
Ogni certificato regolarmente caricato genererà 1 mese di alimento gratis che verrà accantonato nella nostra Love Food Bank per essere distribuito ogni quadrimestre, in funzione delle quantità di alimenti generati dalle adozioni, con priorità verso chi dimostrerà in concreto di supportare il progetto:
- canili e gattili
- associazioni che aiutano i compagni animali in famiglie con difficoltà economiche

From 2018 until April 30, 2024, the Adopt Me program supported organizations and shelters for dogs and cats, with the aim of reducing the phenomenon of abandonments and encouraging adoptions. In particular, we have provided food support to those organizations that have demonstrated a strong commitment to increasing the number of adoptions, recognizing their tireless work.
Since 2018 we have achieved remarkable results, generating 40,048 adoptions across Europe.
In 2019, the activity allowed 24,450 dogs and cats to receive 736,716 solidarity meals in Italy, France, Germany, Belgium and Holland.
In 2020, 55,680 dogs and cats received 1,670,469 solidarity meals in Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, widening the scope of intervention and collaboration to associations to support dogs and cats of families in difficulty economic so as to prevent abandonments due to necessity. In the AdoptMe context, an awareness campaign was implemented among the European population to encourage informed adoptions of dogs and cats.
In 2021, we supported 8,468 adoptions across Europe, which gave rise to over 435 thousand meals donated to dogs and cats, through the mechanism that rewards the adopter with a month's worth of Almo Nature food but at the same time also encourages shelters to be active in generating adoptions, assigning a month's worth of meals to animals still waiting to find a human companion for each adoption that took place during the period.
In 2022, thanks to 8,034 adoptions across Europe registered on the portal, AdoptMe supported 14,618 dogs and cats, distributing a total of 114,300 solidarity meals to shelters and supported families in difficulty and other entities involved in protecting biodiversity (in particular the Hedgehog Rescue Center “La Ninna” and the Casentinesi Forest Park) with 156,600 meals.
In 2023 - and through the first quarter of 2024 - Adopt Me allowed 2140 dogs and cats to find a family, donating a total of 240,570 meals.
In 2019, within RespectMe we financially supported the holding of the international conference dedicated to the identification and registration of dogs and cats which took place in Berlin on 6 November 2019. The objective was to take stock of the state of the art in Europe at a legislative level and relaunch the path towards a single dog and cat recognition model for all European Union countries.
Furthermore, in 2022, together with the Bicocca University of Milan and an international team of lawyers specialized in Comparative Animal Law, it contributed to drafting a document which constitutes the basis for preparing a proposal to be submitted to the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament so that animal companions are considered to all intents and purposes members of the family and launch a petition in support of the initiative, which we will submit to all dog and cat owners in Europe.
Here's what we've accomplished since 2018:

meals donated in emergencies or to families in financial difficulty
adoptions to which we have contributed